Wait List | Build Your Sales Improvement Action Plan Seminar – Welcome!

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Build Your Sales Improvement Action Plan

First things first, let me thank you for agreeing to dedicate 1 hour to putting in place the foundations of your ready to go sales improvement action plan, I look forward to meeting you soon.

What Happens Next?

Dates for the March 2025 workshop will be sent out early March, so you can select the event that best suits your schedule.

The seminar is practical, hands on and we cram a lot in 1 hour, so when you book the date in your diary, also maybe book an extra 30 minutes so you can digest some of the points we cover.

Before the Sales Improvement Action Plan Seminar Starts…

Before the event, you’ll get a worksheet to help you keep track of what we discuss, and to use during the event so you walk away with proven sales improvement strategies to work on immediately.

Remember, no fluff, no waffle – just action that moves the Conversion, Orders, Revenue and Margin dials.

Remember to check your email for dates early March 2025.

More Urgent?

If your need is more urgent than that, or you want a pre-seminar check in, you can set some time aside.

Just text MEETING and your preferred time/s and date/s to 0779 002 1885 and we’ll drop you a meeting link.

In the meantime, look our for your copy of the Sales Improvement Newsletter – hope you enjoy!