
Software Sales Training Courses | SaaS Sales Training | Book, Demo, Close!

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Software Sales Training Courses | SaaS Sales Training | Book, Demo, Close!

Software sales training courses and SaaS sales training specifically designed for Tech and SaaS sales professionals who want to move the prospect seamlessly from Cold to Sold AND avoid some of the most common sales pitfalls that will cripple all sales efforts at some point.

So, whether you’re suffering from prospects ghosting you, not being able to get engagement or commitment through the sales process or even simply been left at the end of a long sales process wondering what happened, then this course is for you.

Discover how to go from Cold to Sold and

  • Minimise customer churn
  • Shorten sales cycles
  • Reduce ghosting
  • Maximise buyer engagement across various stakeholders
  • Position themselves as trusted advisors to buyers

We deliver SaaS sales training courses and software sales training designed for teams who want more sales, bigger sales, more frequent sales…

Post training, you’ll be able to scale your sales goals using a repeatable and scalable sales method that delivers results.

Giving you all the skills you need to execute your SaaS sales strategy and hit the numbers.

Selling in the Software/Tech and SaaS Space is Competitive!

And there is only ever one winner!

You know you’re in a competitive space, and guess what? Your prospects know that too.

Yes – they read the press release about you getting VC backing to sky-rocket your sales rev….which translates for power to your prospect because they know you need their business, and you don’t want the deal to fall to a competitor.

Plus, sales prospects are looking at you in a sea of other solutions – often because they:

  • Don’t full understand the scope of their problem – so struggle to see a fit between your solution and their challenges
  • Have short attention spans that can only take in so much before every solution looks the same!

Sadly, no matter how unique and valuable your benefits are…they won’t see that,

And that’s your first challenge!

To fix this you need to get their attention – to do this you MUST help the buyer do three things:

  • Scope out their problem
  • Map their challenges
  • Quantify the impacts

But, you’re still only half way there, because you now need to solve those issues immediately by showing them:

  • Your specific fix for each one of their issues and challenges
  • How it works
  • How it’s worked for people just like them

If you can’t get their attention, you’ll never get their order….but once you’ve got their attention – give them exactly what they need – a specific and tailored fix

How much of your sales pitch is geared up to fight for the prospects attention?

Probably not as much as you need.

If you think the fact that you have awards, endorsements, testimonials will save you…thing again. because, sadly, these are just the bare minimum you need to get your prospect to the table!

SaaS Sales Training | Software Sales Training Courses

If you find yourself asking these questions in your sales team – now is the time to book your SaaS sales training or software sales training course, and banish them forever…

  • Why aren’t people saying yes to booking a demo?
  • Why do those that DO book a demo, then go AWOL straight after you send your proposal?
  • Or fail to even show up at all?
  • Why is your  ‘Closed – Lost’ pile growing at a faster rate than your ‘Closed – Won’ pile?
  • Why is a lesser competitor eating your lunch most every day?
  • Why are competitors getting fat off the sales opportunities you’re dropping?

Truth is – fix this and you’ll get growth.

Fix this sales drain, and you build high quality, high converting sales pipelines.

The good news for you is that we’ve heard all these sales challenges before.

And we’ve fixed them too!

And we can do the same for you…

You can use the contact form on the foot of this page to book your course or your can call Carol on 0779 002 1885

How to Book More High-Converting SaaS Demo Calls

It’s failure to get the first contact right that kill the sales opportunity.

That’s right – or in other words – when good leads turn bad!

So when the sales dip is NOT about the content of your sales pitch….more likely it’s about how you structure your sales pitch!

If you’re in software and SaaS sales, and are back to back with calls and demo’s, but not seeing a high enough conversion rate to orders…then our SaaS sales training solution removes all the common sales trip wires

Our Software Sales Training Courses and SaaS Sales Training Course will:

  • Show you how to pitch so you’ll be head and shoulders above the competition
  • Build value and get your positioning spot on so the prospect feels comfortable recommending you above others.
  • Reduce the time spent in demo
  • Reduce the sales cycle duration
  • Minimise the no shows on booked demos
  • Remove friction at every point in the sales process so no more ghosting
  • Clean the sales pipeline so you can start to forecast accurately on who will close and when
  • Churn should also take a nose dive too

So, how will you know if your sales team needs help to sell their software and SaaS solution?

Book Your SaaS Sales Training / Software Sales Training Course Today – Why Wait?

Everyday you’re letting sales leads turn bad is a day where further down the line – weeks or months depending on your sales cycle time – you are needlessly depressing your sales conversion rates…

And hat’s not all, you’re also…

  • Killing your ROI
  • Wasting money
  • Making your competitors rich
  • Increasing cost of client acquisition
  • Poor sales forecasting
  • Increasing churn rates
  • Poor quality sales pipeline and CRM (data-dump)

Plus – you’re ability to scale is non-existent, which is probably what your board want most out of their investment!?

How to Spot a SaaS / Software Sales Team in Need of Development

Not Nailing the Problem!

Not nailing the problem your tech solution fixes!

This is criminal and lethal.

Starting a sales pitch without total clarity on what problem you’re solving will mean a poor connection between you and the prospect…That’s the easiest, fastest and most common way to make a good lead turn bad.

Dodging the Tough Questions!

Not being prepared, brave enough or savvy enough to ask those tough questions!

Not having a proven sales methodology to use that preserves the sales lead whilst you’re scoping out their critical success factors.

Trust me – this is a game changer – and your competitors won’t be doing this. It’s a direct and winning strategy!

Without this element and the discipline to execute it, then two things will happen, and neither of them will be good for you.

  • Firstly, the prospect can disengage and dodge your attempt to build a meaningful set of reasons why s/he should look at your product
  • Secondly, even if you did get the prospect on a demo, the seller would be hard pressed to get any traction because they haven’t assesses impact, the cost of doing nothing or the legacy problems…I

Either way, it’s not a win, it’s a good lead turned bad! But now you’ve put in a heap of work!

The Long and Boring Road!

The seller takes the prospect on the whole harbour cruise – showcasing the ins and outs of every single feature – yawn-fest!

And what a waste of an opportunity.

No-one wants to sit through the whole pitch.

They just want to know what’s in it for them.

Nothing else!

But, as you didn’t ask the tough questions – you’re either forced to give a pedestrian pitch (which annoys buyers and wastes everyone’s time) or, by habit, you just go through the same old pitch because that’s what you’ve always done!

Either way – it’s the fastest way to create bored and confused, angry and disengaged prospects….ouch!

Another good lead turned bad!

Not Reading the Room!

Being precious about the decision maker – this one is the easiest one to fix and should be Sales 101 but sadly isn’t!

Everyone wants to talk to the decision maker – and that’s fine…but rarely are SaaS or software purchases one person decisions!

And if you treat them like they are then – good lead turns bad really quickly!

Instead get into the whole buying cycle and the key players, and supporting caste.

These conversations with influencers, users, referrers, power-owners, champions and blockers can really improve the impact and quality of exchange with the decision maker – when the time is right.

Yet, surprisingly, so few sales people do this background stuff, l

Stakeholder management, stakeholder engagement and building a cohort of raving fans is a must – and often missed out by sales people dialling and smiling but not really engaging with the process…

That makes good leads turn bad – but in this case you’ll likely not realise until you start getting ghosted and have done all the hard work!

Thinking Price is the Deciding Factor So Ignoring the Value Proposition

Do you think everything is about the price?

It really isn’t!

Price is only a factor if what you sell is identical to what your competitor is selling.

That’s the only time price alone can be the deciding factor….and even then you have relationship building on your side.

Instead – focus on selling the value, and that will change very time with evert different lead and prospect. Selling the value is a big topic – including selling the value across risk, guarantees, impact on the team, resource allocation, stress (!!), competitive advantage.

It’s a big topic, fascinating, engaging for the buyer and a game changer if you’re in a competitive environment.

Join us and you’ll easy make this transition to high performance selling with your prospects. and start to explore their needs through a lens that others wouldn’t dare to.

Ready to book your SaaS Sales Training / Software Sales Training Courses?

Contact Carol on 0779 002 1885 to check availability

There is no need to fail when with a few changes success is almost guaranteed.

If you think your sales team are unclear about what good looks like when booking SaaS demo calls that convert then let’s have a chat.

You can get me on 0779 002 1885 and I’ll talk you through the sales improvement interventions and sales training we’ve done in the IT / Cloud / SaaS / Tech space to help teams just like yours to build high converting sales pipelines that close using the cold telephone outreach, lead profiling and demo booking, great sales demo formats and a highly differentiated sales position.

We’ve helped sales reps have their best sales months ever, increased their AOV, and boosted ARR for organisations that previously struggled to fill the demo diary, saw high drop out rates, sales deals abandoned half way through, and high churn…so

Maybe your sales team is already outperforming expectations…

Brilliant, we have a solid platform to build on!

As each SaaS sales training / software sales training course is bespoke, we cover the sales and business development needs of ambition SaaS or Software sales teams from new start ups right through to the more experienced and established sales functions within Cloud, IT, SaaS or software businesses..

You might be looking for sales training courses to:

  • Expanding your operation from selling only products to also sell value based services along side those products.
  • Changing your pricing model from contract to subscription, so you’re chasing annual recurring revenue(ARR) and monthly recurring revenue (MRR)
  • Looking at a more token based solution where value and usage are closely linked
  • Launching a new software or cloud based solution
  • Looking to revamp your existing sales playbook.
  • Aggressively seeking your next profitable niche.
  • Streamline your offerings in line with buyer needs
  • Fully embrace value based selling, solution selling and consultative selling as a way to differentiate and grab market share
  • Want to take your current sales pitch for a test drive, clean up what works and ditch what doesn’t, and incorporate some modern and high impact, prospect friendly sales strategies

Whatever your current situation, if you work within IT, software, cloud SaaS or software based sales, and if you’re looking to boost sales performance then our software sales training courses will work for you.

Putting the Sales Person at the Heart of the Sales Training Course | The Complex Role of Sales People Selling Software, SaaS or Cloud Products and Services

The role of the sales person in these industries is critical and complex…nothing happens until the seller makes that conversion…and if takes a lot of work to make that cold outreach and nurture it through to an order.

As a sales person in a SaaS/Software world the stakes are high…and skill sets requirements even higher

  • They need to be technical enough to gain trust.
  • Commercially savvy to spot opportunities.
  • Communicative enough to build a connection that allows them to sell their solutions in a way  prospects want to buy.
  • Be sales-y enough to get the job done, but consultative enough so the prospect doesn’t even realise they are being sold to!

Mix that in with a:

  • Typically educated and savvy buyer group.
  • Big focus on being budget conscious
  • Competitive market space
  • Oodles of information and insight available at the click of a mouse,
  • Vocal users groups
  • Lots of competition / substitute products and solutions
  • Risk aversion / fear of making the wrong investment no matter how good the ROI looks on paper

Considering all this, it’s easy to see why some deals stall, get undercut, disappear totally or simply get swamped in ‘too much information’ and ‘decision paralysis’

In Summary, our SaaS Sales Training and Software Sales Training Courses

Have removed challenges like…

  • Booking SaaS demos that convert!
  • Super efficient, value-based sales qualification – this saves days of selling time and boosts efficiency no-end
  • Getting prospects to show up to SaaS demos
  • Booking sales demos that have value and impact with the prospect
  • Building relevant business cases for the prospect to engage with early on in the sales cycle
  • Building value based selling into highly functional (often technical) using consultative selling
  • Dealing with pricing changes and challenges, issues or mental blocks in the sales team
  • Building no-brainer sales pitches
  • Dealing with pricing based on usage challenges
  • Prospects ghosting you half way through the sales process
  • Deals getting verbal sign off but falling at the final stages
  • Reducing churn by selling smarter
  • Building value based sales solutions to directly out sell the competition
  • Engaging non-tech users in a tech based product
  • Bringing together the broader buying group of influencers, users, finance, procurement and anyone else who may be involved.
  • Dealing with evolving pricing models from contract plus service and maintenance to straight subscription sell, to token, pay as you go, credit based usage….mindbogglingly complicated to sell a combination of these, more so when a company is swapping from one to another
  • Building a high value sales pipeline that converts with predictability and scale-ability

Every single client is different.

Every single product/service is different.

Yet the problems they suffer around creating sales opportunities that close have a lot in common.

Morton Kyle SaaS Sales Training and Software Sales Training Courses | Designed with Inbuilt Sales Improvement Triggers 

Our SaaS software sales training courses are split into key sections, every section has a direct relationship with achieving positive outcomes in your sales calls, including:

  • Securing the attention of the decision maker and making a positive compelling introduction
  • How to implicitly and explicitly understand the buyers needs using form friendly sales discovery questions in a conversational format
  • Constructing a buyer value weighted sales conversation not a sales pitch, essentially helping the buyer to sell to himself
  • Qualifying the commercial value of placing the sales prospects in your sales pipeline
  • Helping the buyer understand fully the commercial benefit of dealing with you
  • Proven sales qualification screening – in and out – at each stage in the sales process
  • Arrange demos that convert to orders
  • Build a demo sales deck that leads to sales orders
  • Using a sales deck and sales agenda to shorten the sales process and close the deal
  • Engaging fluently around your pricing, your pricing models and how the pricing models work, for you and the prospect
  • Preventing AWOL prospects
  • Reducing ‘no decision’ closed-lost sales
  • Minimising the impact of competitors
  • Asking for the business, and setting the intention at all stages in the sales process.

And so much more…depending on your needs.

The SaaS /Software Sales Training Plan | Sales Improvement By Design

Built for you as the sales leader, your sales team, your organisation, your competitors and your market place.

This is no sheep-dip solution

Your SaaS sales training plan is your new sales playbook.

Yours to coach against, to onboard with and to embed in your sales team, sales culture and sales operating system.

It will become ‘just how you sell’ in your organisation!

t will fit like a glove because with all of the Morton Kyle Sales Training courses you get a Free Sales Training Needs Analysis For A Stronger Sales Training Result included in your training solution. Check out the link to see what that means for you, and why you get total piece of mind when you trust us to deliver your SaaS sales training

What’s Next?

If you are in software sales, tech sales, SaaS sales or any cloud-based product, service sales or if you are managing any of these sales functions then we have tech and software sales training courses to support you to the next level of selling.

The Morton Kyle SaaS software sales training courses are designed to get you the results you need.

Our Sales Training Ethos

As with any sales training course designed and delivered by Morton Kyle we believe that a good sales process with visible leading sales metrics ‎and a proven sales success recipe is the key to low risk sales growth, strong high quality sales pipelines and a predictable sales performance.

And high quality sales orders for your products / services!

And happy customers, who don’t want to churn with you!

We continue this ethos in our proven Software / SaaS/ Cloud / IT Sales Training Courses.

Combining the very best of current sales methodologies you can significantly boost your sales capability toolkit and avoid some of the key stumbling blocks within software sales.

The Morton Kyle Software / SaaS/ Cloud / IT sales training course is high-impact, practical, real-world and specifically designed to help software sales teams to capitalise on their disruptive power and competitive advantage.

This is especially relevant with a new product launch or product relaunch, or simply when sales are struggling.

You can read more about how we build our sales training courses to deliver by viewing The Morton Kyle Sales Training Charter

Done for You Service to Improve Your Sales Results

Talk to us about our 90 Day onsite done for you service to improve your sales conversion rates – call Carol to discuss on 0779 002 1885

Based on the above, working with your sales function we will:

  • Identify buyer needs.
  • Ensure you can clearly demonstrate value to your prospects.
  • Create a compelling sales proposition
  • Meet the buyers / prospects where they are
  • Structure a relevant and meaningful sales discovery call
  • Investigate short and long term ROI models
  • Cross sell and up sell existing products and services.
  • Easily engage sales prospects in sales led commercial and value laden conversations.
  • Fill the demo diary with high quality, well qualified and high converting sales opportunities.
  • Make the leap from selling software based products to software based services.
  • Use model, proven sales call structures to build confidence in the sales team
  • Build a scale able sales engine to ensure high-quality sales demos have been booked…and converted.
  • Minimise demo no-shows.
  • Shorten sales cycles.
  • Increase sales close rates, maximise revenues, confidence and motivation in the sales team.
  • Identify best to contact prospects, profitable niches and perfect prospect profiles.

Gain total peace of mind, and start your sales improvement journey immediately

Plus, we’ll agree, pre-delivery what you’ll need to do to drive the sales results even higher over the following/next 90 days.

This is not a typical ‘sheep-dip’ SaaS sales solution. Working with Morton Kyle you’ll be fully supported in your sales ambitions and how to ensure your team are carrying the training back to their day-job.

You don’t get ‘hit and run’ sales improvement.

Your course will be the foundation of sales success in your team.

It’s the start of your continuous sales improvement journey and focus on out performing competitors in your space.

Plus, Engaging on a Done for You Basis…

…is the best possible and the fastest way to:

  • Enhance wide ranging sales skills
  • Create a value based sales proposition
  • Boost cross selling and up selling
  • Uncover new product service offerings that buyers want to pay for
  • Increase sales motivation and ultimately staff retention
  • Build a top performing sales function and sales team
  • Create the ultimate sales training toolkit based on the very best and most appropriate sales and selling techniques available today.
  • Generate additional revenue stream from multiples sales channels
  • Reconfigure the value proposition depending on high converting niches
  • Change the behaviours of the team so that members of your sales team start to think, behave and engage like sales leaders, fostering peer-to-peer value exchanges with prospects
  • Embed winning sales framework within the sales team
  • Create a clear link between daily sales activities and improved sales results.

To discuss your very specific sales needs – call Carol on 0779 002 1885 

Ongoing Sales Training Support

All our software sales training courses are supported by sales strategy reviews.

As well as ongoing knowledge transfer from the sales trainer to the sales leadership team, sales coaching at all levels as well as agreeing leading sales metrics to map sales progress and reflect improvements as a result of the SaaS / Cloud / IT / Software sales training courses.

To discuss how the Morton Kyle SaaS software sales training courses will improve your sales results, call Carol on 0779 002 1885

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