Simple sales forecasting is exactly that!
Crystal clear sales forecasts that are accurate, stable and in line with targets.
Sales forecasts that are strictly aligned to your sales process, with associated metrics AND
A sales forecast that allows you to see where the dips are BEFORE they become an issue!
What’s Simple Sales Forecasting All About?
Over the last 20 plus years I’ve met with thousands of sales leaders and sales reps…and every single one of them wants to be able to predict the future!
Sales Leaders, CEOs, sales reps and sales performance managers all want to know what they need to do to hit target very week, month, quarter and year…
They have this wish not fully realising that they have all the information they need to do this!
So, for the last 15 years I’ve been helping Sales Leaders and their Sales Teams to understand their sales pipeline, forecast with certainty and keep the sales pipeline flowing so they hit target on time, on budget and with minimal stress!
The Simple Sales Forecasting Training Course
Join us on this one day course to:
- Start forecasting with certainty
- Unblock the sales pipeline
- Build a frictionless, high converting sales pipeline
- Help you hit target every month
In short, the perfect sales forecasting process that works for you, and all of your team.
A universal set of best practice sales forecasting protocols that means you’re all speaking the same language with the same intent, and with the same focus.
This one-day course will iron out why you miss target and what to do about it….so you can fix it before it’s too late!
This is the perfect sales improvement and sales forecasting course for you if you:
- Often miss sales targets
- Have a huge sales pipeline that doesn’t move
- See the same 20 names in the forecast, who just get kicked forward three months
- Want to legitimately qualify and disqualify your sales pipeline at speed
- Have a sales forecasting method that all the sales team can use
For more detail and to check availability call Carol on 0779 002 1885

Why Do You Need Simple Sales Forecasting?
You’d be surprised, or maybe not, at the number of sales functions and business, that although they have a sales forecasting system, either informally or in their CRM, still struggle to get accurate, reliable and meaningful sales predictions.
Meaning a huge mismatch in expectation, deliverables and ambition.
Inaccurate sales forecasting really messes with cash flow, resource management, pricing, planning, purchasing, staffing, growth, resource allocation and sleep(!!), not to mention the inevitable sales peaks and troughs, as well as critical relationships with the bank, the board and investors.
That hurts a business.
And it costs a fortune!
Not to mention the stress associated with the whole process.
Living with uncertainty makes any business risk averse, cautious and nervous of being bold
And with good cause.
So How Does Simple Sales Forecasting Help?
Simple Sales Forecasting works in a few ways.
1. Close or Ditch – it gives you a way of stripping out all of the rubbish from your existing sales pipeline and sales CRM…so you can focus on the potential and prospects that are likely to convert, and ditch
2. Pitching with Certainty – it shows you exactly where your business is coming from and the absolute process you need to use to close it.
3. Your Very Own Sales Playbook with METRICS – it give you the perfect formula you need to follow to dramatically increase your chances of hitting target with time to spare.
In short, Simple Sales Forecasting is a way of fully qualifying and progressing your sales prospects before you commit them to your sales pipeline, your CRM or your sales forecast.
It’s the ultimate in-situ sales planning tool….available to your whole sales team!
It directs your sales activities, time management, focus, prospect selection, qualification process, sales process and sales pipeline activity
Giving you sales insights that not only lead to a more predictable sales performance AND a predictable way to drive sales growth, you also get a better sales/buyer interface.
More sales!
When you need them!
Simple Sales Forecasting has an inbuilt universal scoring method that’s used throughout the sales function and the business.
If you’ve ever wanted to achieve more sales with less effort…this is it!
What’s that you say?
‘But we already to do that…or sort of’
I know you do.
How’s it working for you?
Here’s what’s really happening.
Every single on of your sales team will have a very different slant on what a fully qualified sales prospect looks like.
That slant will differ depending on where they are against target, if they’re having a good month or a bad month, if they’re under pressure of not.
It’s an accepted truth, that, at some points during the month, really ugly prospects start to look super attractive…
You get my drift?
That lack of absolute clarity costs you.
Costs the business.
And costs you the time you should be freeing up by ditching the ‘not so great’ prospects and jumping in with the prospects that will change your world, value, respect, adore and worship you like ‘not so great’ prospects never ever could.
If you’re like many of the sales teams I meet you’re probably suffering from some form of Fluffy Forecasting.
Well, I say no to Fluffy Forecasting!!!
You can self diagnose here – see how bad your symptoms are…
Are You Suffering From Fluffy Forecasting?
Here’s your quick self diagnosis kit
- Your sales forecasts vary by more than +/-15% each month?
- There are peaks and troughs in your sales performance/cash flow?
- Do you have an over reliance on existing business?
- Is existing business more than 50% of your monthly billing?
- Are you struggling to plan resources, work flow, purchasing, stock?
- Is your production function running at wildly fluctuating rates, efficiency, capacities due to lack of reliable sales information?
- Are you customers resisting any form of price increase?
- Has the spend / profit margin from your 5 biggest clients gone up or down in the last three years?
- Do you feel like your order book is naturally and steadily growing with better quality clients?
- Are you able to produce accurate long range sales forecasts?
- Is the thought of low risk growth a dream with no chance of an accompanying reality
- Is your sales team motivation low?
- Is churn high with customers and sales staff?
- Do you constantly find your sales team offering discounts to bring work in early?
- Or simply just offering discounts because you can’t deal with the competition who are happy to buy business?
- Do the bulk of your sales come in during the last week of the month?
- Have you got wildly fluctuating close rates across the sales team?
- Huge discrepancies between average order values across the sales team?
- A sales CRM that’s crammed full…but you’ve no idea of the value that’s in there?
Congratulations…Simple Sales Forecasting is the Answer!
You’re in the revolving door that is Fluffy Forecasting, bouncing prospects forward for three months because you’ve no idea what to do with them when they don’t close as promised.
Seeing the same names being shunted from month to month in the hope that one day the deal will drop.
Perhaps even…having more sales people in your sales team than you actually need?
Or having more leads than you actually need?
Getting into price wars every day to pick up business that no-one else wants?
Seeing shoddy competitors grow at a cost to you?
Being forced into a race to the bottom when you know know you deliver so much more?
The Antidote to Fluffy Forecasting
A strict set of go/no go criteria for entering a prospect into the sales forecast, and at what stage they are entered into the sales forecast
That is universal across your business = makes sales performance management a dream
That forces your sales people to qualify hard = easy to spot which prospects the business should focus on, reduces head count/wage bill
Engaging with prospects in such a way to establish fit/fail for both parties = your business becomes an industry expert
That speeds up sales cycles = competitors don’t get a chance to swoop in
Increases sales velocity through the sales pipeline = lower sales acquisition costs
You’re building a solid Grade A + sales engine and a huge business asset = you’re no longer in danger of being held hostage when sales people leave.
Builds credibility and confidence in the prospect and certainty in the business = nothing connects with the customer like knowing their language, their needs, their challenges and their environment better than any of your competitors
10 Reasons Why Simple Sales Forecasting is the Answer
- See your sales forecast as it really is and not how you would like it to be…
- Take back control of the sales functions
- Get rid of woolly sales meetings and inconsistent sales language
- Start proactive sales prospect management of the sales pipeline
- Standardise sales performance across the team, share best practice and get everyone doing their own performance management
- Be able to spot and avoid the sales troughs before they become a reality
- Stop wasting time with poor quality, low margin, low loyalty prospects, instead only work with prospect who fit your perfect prospect profile
- Once and for all, clean out the sales CRM, uncover the gold and ditch the rest
- Segment your prospects types and niche down hard to boost conversion rates – (this is a big, big win!)
- Build in certainty, confidence and predictability…low risk growth is just around the corner
Morton Kyle Limited – Simple Sales Forecasting Course
Available as an in-house program only
Attended by Sales Leaders, Business Owners, Sales Team Leaders, Sales Professionals and Sales Trainers.
Simple Sales Forecasting is a one day course.
For more information or to check dates and availability – call Carol on 0779 002 1885
Really Simple Sales Forecasting | Say NO! To Fluffy Sales Forecasts
Simple Sales Forecasting is the only known cure for Fluffy Forecasting.

With so much information available about how to improve sales, the best sales methods, the changing needs of buyers, what sales process to use… it’s often tough to know where to start if you want better sales results.
That’s why we create CLARITY from CONFUSION!
With our holistic approach to improving B2B sales performance, my clients can see an immediate uplift in sales outputs because we only focus on the elements of your sales function that are dragging your sales results down.
There is nothing hit and miss with our sales improvement interventions – whether that’s sales coaching, sales training or sales strategy.
What does that mean for you? Faster progress, less effort, fewer changes, less friction, smoother transition from the old to the new.
Don’t get bogged down in out the box sales solutions and ‘hit and run’ sales training – you’re closer than you think to getting the sales results you want, you don’t need to start from scratch.
So, what’s your sales challenge?
Let’s chat!