Sales Trainer | Results Driven | Conversion, Revenue, Profit

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As a Sales Trainer, I am always results focused…so are my clients.

I help you find and fix sales leaks in your sales process. Identifying unconverted orders, sales revenue and margin that would otherwise leak out of your business undetected.

My clients come to me with sales challenges that need attention.

Maybe they don’t have the internal bandwidth to address their revenue / margin issues, or they need an external perspective to help speed up the fix with their teams. Either way, they see the benefits of bringing new, unbiased insights into the team to get a specific sales improvement and growth job done.

If you find yourself in a similar position, you might find the following interesting.

Here are a few mini case studies so you can see how, as a sales improvement and growth orientated sales trainer, I support my clients to achieve the sales results they need.

If you’d like more details – book a call on 0779 002 1885 – I’d be delighted to share with you the framework I used to solve these sales challenges.

SaaS Software Org

Selling a non-standout product in a price driven competitive market – losing 80K per month

3 months later:

More than tripled the average order value from <£750 to >3K+

Increased sales conversion rate from 1:27 to 1:3

Improved sat appointment rate by over 80%

6 months later

All loses removed

New Head of Sales recruited

Sales team reconfigured

New sales pitch codified

Want to know how this happened?

Book Your Call with Carol – Sales Improvement Consultant Trainer – on 0779 002 1885 to discover how we can help your sales team achieve higher sales results

The Sales Improvement Workshop | Sales Workshop

Global Insurance Company

Struggling with a competitive market and aggressive competitors, as price is often the biggest decider in their sector, the firm needed to understand how to deliver a value based proposition where they were often not the cheapest but could fluently demonstrate why they were the best solution. At the same time, there was a requirement to generate additional leads from all calls

Month One Results

33% increase in sales lead for other insurance products – motor, pet and travel and home

Increase in sales > 10%

Want to know how this happened?

Book Your Call with Carol – Sales Improvement Consultant Trainer – on 0779 002 1885 to discover how we can help your sales team achieve higher sales results

Purpose Driven Organisation

A dusty brand with a strong but aged market presence, where they now needed to:

1. establish a proactive and dynamic sales presence to specifically increase the customer footprint and bring in new business

2. introduce sales systems and methods that could be adopted without alienating the sales function

3. build some degree of stability and certainty around the sales process

Year One Results

New business sales revenue tripled to 970k

New business sales conversion rate went from <3% to >14%

Average order value in new business increased over 50%

Sales cycle time on new business deals reduced from 55 days to 28 days

Year Two Results

New business sales revenue increased to 1.7M

Margin on new business increased by 10% from year 1

Want to know how this happened?

Book Your Call with Carol – Sales Improvement Consultant Trainer – on 0779 002 1885 to discover how we can help your sales team achieve higher sales results

Sales Improvement | Sales Improvement Plan | Sales Performance Improvement | Performance Improvement Plan for Sales | Sales Trainer