Sales results tell a story…
In fact, the world is built on stories.
Yours, mine, everyone’s world is based on a collection of stories.
It’s how we make sense of things we don’t immediately understand.
Stories help us learn.
Help us process information.
Hard wire information into our memories.
It’s how we relate to each other and how we get to understand the world and our place in it.
Some stories have a lesson.
Maybe in what to do, what not to do, and sometimes, what to definitely not do!! (Don’t they make the most interesting stories though?)
The Same is True of Your Sales Results.
Your sales results build up a story that you’re writing every single day.
The sales results your sales team produce.
Whether it’s dials, connects, gate keeper rejections, decision maker connects, pitches, quotes, demo calls, discovery calls, closes, losses, wins….those sales results all tell a story.
They tell a separate story for each sales person in your business.
That complete set of stories create your company sales results, your turnover, your losses, your profits, your market share, your company value and your reality.
Your reality.
Often the key ‘markers’ used to assess if it’s a ‘good’ story is Turnover and Margin.
But those numbers alone tell you nothing compared to what they could be telling you…
Here’s What Your Sales Results Don’t Tell You
Everyone has their focus on the turnover and profit – that’s a must.
But shifting the needle on those numbers means going back to basics at an individual level.
Looking at:
- Lost sales vs sales won
- Sales closed lost
- Conversion rates at every stage in the sales process
- Discounted sales vs full price
- Pipeline speed/sales velocity
- Average order value
- New business vs account development
- Account growth
- Activity levels
- Cost per proposal
- Cost per appointment
- Cost per sale
- Referral generation
- Sales pipeline worth over 3/6/9/12 months
- Sales pipeline worth increase month on month
- Database penetration
And a myriad of other metrics
It’s only by looking at sales activities, habits and results at a granular level that you can strategically move the needle on the key sales revenues – turnover and profit.
Your sales results audit starts this process for you and it allows you to take control and drive performance moving forward.
So, if your profit and your sales turnover tells one story…what story will you get from lifting the lid on the activities and habits that generate those results?
And more importantly…
Giving You the Opportunity to Forecast the Sales Results You Want…
Thinking about the sales results your generating at the moment and how that’s building the story of your business success…
Would you change it?
Rewrite it maybe, if you could?
Now’s your chance…
I’m giving you another choice…to rewrite your Sales Results Story..
Take back the pen!
Here’s how:
Sales Results Audit Package
Collate your last 12 months sales stats into a pre-formatted sales template that I’ll send you.
I’ll analyse your sales teams performance and show you:
- Exactly where you sales leakage points are
- What those sales leaks are costing your based on expected activity levels and conversions within your sales function.
- What to do to stop the sales leaks
- A sales leakage template for you to use in your business – meaning you have the first key to continuous sales improvement
- A list of all the key sales metrics you should be monitoring in the business. Key sales metrics that relate back to the sales levers you have at your disposal to rewrite your sales reality at any time. And what those sales leavers could mean to your business
You’ll also receive:
- Complete and unbiased review of the sales skills within your team, solely based on their results, so you know who to coach and in what area there biggest opportunity for improvement sits
- Recommendations for each sales person in terms of key development areas and performance expectations.
- 2 one – hour Skype feedback sessions to talk you though the results and recommendations.
From data receipt to feedback – typically 7 working days.
Sales Results Audit Package is £1,995 for up to and including 10 sales people.
Fees may vary slightly depending on the format you send your data in.
All prices are exclusive of VAT.
To start your sales results audit contact or call on 0779 002 1885.
The Reality
How you view, analyse and use your sales results today dictates your sales future!
Everything you need to know about your sales function is tied up in those numbers that aren’t typically looked at in the end of month review.
Looking at T/o and profit is critical, of course it is.
But have you ever wondered – what could we have done?
What did we not win?
Why did we not win it?
Who stole business from us and how did they do it?
What do I need to do today to double turnover/ up profit by 10% within the next 3 months?
If you’ve ever sat and wondered how could your business could really be, what the true potential of your sales business is and how to start overhauling the sales function – then now is your opportunity to start lifting the lid.
So, if you’re looking for ways to increase sales, start a sales improvement program, review the sales team structure/function, deep dive into how your business development and sales engine works, build tailored personal development plans in the business, start informal or formal sales performance management, then this is a solid starting point.
You retain control. You use the information as you see fit in your business,
Start Now
The sooner you unravel the story that’s dictating how you run your business, finance your growth ambitions, live your life and how you satisfy your professional ambitions (or not) the faster you’ll be able to write the story you want.
Your sales results and how you use them have the power to make your wildest dreams come true.
Having a slick sales process with critical key performance indicators at each stage allows you total control over your sales function.
You get day to day sales management that shifts the needle.
You get a predictable sales engine that goes in the direction you want, at the speed you want.
And if it’s not going in the speed and direction you want – you’ll have time enough to make your adjustments.
If you’re looking for predictable sales growth…your past sales result analysis will write your to do list.
Get a grip on your sales metrics, the sales results that drive your business and the future starts today.
Understanding what makes up the turnover and profit number, is the first step in uncovering additional opportunities, turnover and profit.
Your sales results shouldn’t be left to chance.
In 7 days you can get a tight grip on all the intelligence you need to proactively manage sales results and the sales function
If you’re still thinking about it, that’s ok, the story is still being written. In the meantime whilst you ponder on your sales results you can sign up to our Sales and Business Development Newsletter – hit the link – The Advanced Business Achiever

Who am I?
I’m Carol Griffiths, and I’ve spent the last 30+ years in the trenches of sales—fixing broken pipelines, rebuilding underperforming teams, and helping businesses close more deals at higher margins.
I’ve worked with global brands, challenger firms, and fast-growth sales teams, helping them:
✔ Fix underperforming pipelines – turning ghosted leads into closed deals.
✔ Increase win rates – without discounting or chasing bad-fit prospects.
✔ Build sales systems that actually work – so you don’t waste time on ‘busy work’ that doesn’t convert.
I’m not another ‘sales trainer.’ I don’t teach theory. I fix sales problems – fast. And if you’re still reading, it means you’ve got a problem that needs fixing.
I know how sales leaders think because I’ve been one. I know what the board wants because I’ve sat in those meetings.
And I know what works – because I’ve done it, tested it, and proved it across industries, markets, and economic downturns.