Sales Insight – Creating Your Sales Future
Every business and sales leader craves real, meaningful and timely sales insight because, in the right hands, it’s the gateway to accurate sales forecasts, better quality planning, stable risk-free growth and predictable costs.
Higher levels of success, lower risk!
Plus, having a pulse on key sales metrics means you’ve built your Growth Engine, which is a critical route to making good on the promises you make to the board, bank, investors.
And, even more importantly, it allows you to build a narrative that takes others along with you on the journey….and you’ll sleep better at night!
If you’re still struggling to get to that stage then check out Sales Insight Audit
In the meantime let’s look at some of the things that become much easier to execute on – when you have the data to drive the changes you need to increase sales.
Sales Insight | Challenging Sales Habits
I’m a scientist at heart.
That means three things:
- In a closed system (like sales) most events are semi-predictable….if you look in the right places
- There is typically a cause and effect at play somewhere along the line.
- All data tells a story – you’ve just got to dive in far enough to find it, test it, and use it as your crystal ball to predict the future
Why do I tell you this?
Because it’s fair to say that today, you and your team are getting the sales results you deserve, based on what you have been doing in the past.
Sales results are the lag indicators of how you’ve spend your time in the last X months / weeks/ days.
(X = the length of your sales cycle)
And that can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing…as you’ll be either getting the results you want or not.
BUT being able to predict, and more importantly change, your future sales results can be greatly added if three things are in place:
- A strong narrative around what the current sales habits are costing you
- Data to back that narrative up with real life facts and figures
- You can engage sales teams in taking accountability for their part in making the sales transformation using the above
The trouble in any change management process – you have to PROVE to your sales team WHY you’re making the changes you’re making…and engaging them in what part they can play.
That’s where the output from your Sales Insight Audit helps you
So stand by and watch it crush the following sales habits in your team….
Sales Team Challenges | Change Hearts and Minds Using Data
You will have been in sales coaching sessions, MBR’s, QBR’s and live sales calls chanced upon a lucid moment that shows you why you’re not getting the sales results you need…
- Maybe you’re seeing an over reliance on email
- Lack of follow up process
- Not enough talk time
- Not building enough value
- Running hit and run sales calls
- Spending too much time with the wrong ICP…
I’m sure you can add more things you’ve seen
But the question is – how do you persuade you sales team to make the changes you know they need to make to boost their sales results?
You need proof and data to back up your requests to change… which is exactly what you get from your Sales Insight Audit
So What?
I did a Sales Insight Audit last week.
Some sales reps were spending as little as 20 mins a day on the telephone and the Sales Director wondered why sales results were nowhere near what they needed.
Strangely no-one could really identify where the rest of the day went.
They just knew that it went….these reps were busy
The figures showed that wherever the time went, it wasn’t on generating sales, feeding a pipeline or creating value that prospects were prepared to pay for…
The conversion rate had been trending downwards for months, target attainment was drifting further away (meaning they either has to reforecast or grow the head count) and the energy in the sales team was dropping slightly faster than commission payments!
It wasn’t a win for anyone!
Sales Insights Uncovered
Their Sales Audit uncovered the following:
- No-one was selling the Value Proposition
- Sales reps were surrendering control of the sales process on call 2!
- Most sales were closed after 11 contacts – 4 emails and 7 calls
- Friction was highest in the sales process around getting signed contracts back – not getting a verbal ‘yes’
- Highest performers had a 23% conversion rate – with their biggest sales loss being due to lack of client contact post quote dispatch – ghosting
- Talk time was less than 34 mins with sales reps with <10% conversion rate, and 2hs 32 mins for sales reps with conversion rate over 20%
- Most sales were lost in the sub 10% converters due to contacts ghosting after contact 3
- The average client spend with high performers was 14% higher than <10% converting reps
- 43% of all leads that were progressed to first meeting booked were not with the ICP
- Non-ICP sales (yes there were some) made up just 3% of sales but 38% of quotes that went out – just think about the time and effort that involved…especially now we know that only 3% show up as sales
This is just a snap shot of some of the data that came to light
See how easy it is to share this with your sales reps…and explain why change is now a MUST!
Just call or email to discuss how you can start to tap into this type of intelligence for you sales function on 0779 002 1885.
Still Not Sure What’s Not Working in Your Sales Team?
Book Your Sales Audit on 0779 002 1885 to improve your sales results. If you’re just not quite sure where to start, then you can start small – just look at your an audit of your sales pipeline…or of your lead gen process….you decide
It’s the fastest way to identify all those areas that are stopping you getting the sales results you deserve.
Delivering sales insights that you can really work with, and share with your team
Your Sales Insights Audit will guide you in the right direction, using data and measurement to chart your progress and inform your next steps.
Once and for all, get rid of the sales blinkers that are costing you time, money, leads and market share.
Instead move into a position of power using sales dashboards, real time sales data and decisions backed by data that revive your sales teams motivation, giving them the tools and insights to excel.
And, you can the results from your Sales Insight Audit in as little as 14 days!
So no need to hang about in limbo for months.
Meaning you get control of your sales function, showing your sales team how they can earn more commission, in the next 3 weeks!!
To discuss this further – you can call Carol – 0779 002 1885

With so much information available about how to improve sales, the best sales methods, the changing needs of buyers, what sales process to use… it’s often tough to know where to start if you want better sales results.
That’s why we create CLARITY from CONFUSION!
With our holistic approach to improving B2B sales performance, my clients can see an immediate uplift in sales outputs because we only focus on the elements of your sales function that are dragging your sales results down.
There is nothing hit and miss with our sales improvement interventions – whether that’s sales coaching, sales training or sales strategy.
What does that mean for you? Faster progress, less effort, fewer changes, less friction, smoother transition from the old to the new.
Don’t get bogged down in out the box sales solutions and ‘hit and run’ sales training – you’re closer than you think to getting the sales results you want, you don’t need to start from scratch.
So, what’s your sales challenge?
Let’s chat!