Sales Improvement Consultant Trainer | End to End Sales Growth

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As a Sales Improvement Consultant / Trainer my aim is to help you get the best sales results in the shortest time, in the most cost effective way.

I help you find and fix sales leaks in your sales process. Identifying unconverted orders, sales revenue and margin that would otherwise leak out of your business undetected.

To help you decide if you should book a call – here are just a few of the primary causes of poor sales performance and the proven solutions available for you to help you fix your revenue, margin and sales conversion problems.

For more information – and to discuss your sales challenges in more detail – text / whatsapp / call Carol on 0779 002 1885 to book some time in.

In the meantime – take a look at the following and see if you’re dropping sales you should be converting….

Shrinking Sales Revenue and Margin

Often due to poor pricing, shaky value propositions, high discounts and low level sales conversations.

This is a common issue and one that is easily fixed – looking at all of the above to maximise cross-selling / upselling opportunities, build water-tight sales propositions and helping the sales team move from showing as sales reps and encourage them to think / act as Sales Consultants to foster peer-2-peer sales conversations. Shrinking sales revenue and margin is often closely related to poor sales conversion

The Fix?

If you have more than 2 products / services is to look at increasing referrals, increasing the average order value and improving the cross selling potential

Poor Sales Conversions

This could be due to a multitude of factors – so the first job is to understand why, without assuming it’s down to the sales team skill set.

Common issues that need attention around low sales conversion rates are:

Poor product market fit – so we need to look at better ICP definition and niche markets

Over-farmed databases – needs new data sourcing in line with the new ICP’s as above

Market saturation – you’re still selling the same products and services that you’ve been selling for years and the market has advanced, leaving you behind – again, look at who you are selling to what and why

The Fix?

This is the foundation of The Sales Improvement Workshop

A Full Sales Pipeline But No Sales

This is more common than you think. Mainly due to poor CRM discipline over many years / sales reps. I’ve seen CRMs with more than 10,000 ‘active’ records with it, but less than 2,500 were worth retaining.

And, with the added strain of reps carrying 1,200 records each, then building any kind of new business cadence become a big ask.

Often this needs a whole sales process remap and a CRM that gets flushed /cleaned and then worked diligently

The Fix

We talk more about this here – The Sales Process Audit

Inaccurate / Poor Sales Forecasts

Closely aligned to the above – sales forecast that melt as the month end approaches, coupled with the same 20 or 30 names being kicked down the line, quarter to quarter – it’s the land of diminishing returns!

There is a fix – and it goes back to the sales discovery, sales qualification and deal management part of the sales process.

Poor sales forecasting might seem like a relatively small issue – but in fixing it, you can build some excellent habits around responsibility and accountability in the sales reps BUT more importantly productivity and efficiency/effectiveness spikes because the team will understand the direct link between inputs and outputs, and needle moving sales habits and activities.

The Fix?

Instant Fix here – Simple Sales Forecasting

Lacking a Universal Sales Framework For the Whole Sales Team To Use

This is not so much of a problem until a couple of things happen – namely sales results start to drift downwards, there are huge differences in performance across the team, and/or you want to move the business in growth mode…

At the onset on any of these things then you realise that everyone is using a very different sales process!

Don’t get me wrong – I’ve run sales teams, all hitting sales targets, all in their own individual way – but everyone ran the SAME sales process.

Again, having a mix of sales processes is not necessarily a bad thing BUT it makes growth or sales improvement near impossible, so it’s worth fixing.

The Fix?

We cover this in The Sales Improvement Workshop

The Sales Improvement Workshop | Sales Workshop

No Useful Real Time Sales Management Information

Considering all the tech solutions that are available, you’d be surprised at how often sales team are run using historical data – often reconciled by finance 2 weeks after the month end. Too many sales leaders run miss the chance to change the sales game while it’s still being played using leading sales key performance indicators

The Fix?

Take a look at The Morton Kyle Sales Insight Audit

Summary: Sales Improvement Consultant Trainer

As your Sales Improvement Consultant / Trainer, together can improve sales and increase growth potential bit by bit based on where you are now, alternatively we can structure a project to deliver more specific outcomes at a faster pace.

What do other organisations do?

In all sales teams there are some very quick, easy and cheap wins….and these quick wins might be a good place to start for you and your team.

For many sales teams that’s enough…we’ve even provided a route to access these fast acting sales training sessions using our Fixed Price Sales Packages

Other sales teams, who want a concerted push to the next level and to introduce continuous sales improvement might find this of interest – Fix and Flow Sales Sprints

If you’re in consistent loss making situation and want additional support (Sales Support) then maybe you need something more intensive – book a call and we’ll find the best, fastest and most cost effective sales improvement and growth solution for you.

Book Your Call with Carol – Sales Improvement Consultant Trainer

Call / whatsapp / text Carol on 0779 002 1885 to book some time in to chat

Morton Kyle - Sales Improvement, Sales Coaching, Sales Training, Sales Audits

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