Download Sales Training Courses as you need them, and build your own sales resource library.
Just download the modules you need, customise to your brand, and go!
It’s the fastest and easiest way to ensure consistency in your sales team in terms of sales training, induction, ongoing sales training, sales coaching and sales performance management.
Plus, you spread the cost by only accessing the modules you need, it’s pay as you go for B2B sales training courses.
If you’re looking to build a sales training skill set that delivers results, targets the specific skill set you need and solves the common sales prevention issues then check out the sales training modules and courses below.
Download B2B Sales Training Courses You Can Trust
All courses are designed using the most up to date thinking on these business critical subjects, designed to be easy to digest, high impact, practical and results orientated.
Each module comes with:
- An executive summary of the learning points, focus, context and application
- The content in power point so you can customise / brand.
- A full work schedule
- A set of trainer notes
- Delegate work books
- 5+ Activities you can use to test understanding, facilitate group discussion, issues as part of breakout sessions
- Final subject test plus answers
- Coaching check list so you can monitor the delegate skill, uptake and utilisation on return to the work place (not part of all modules)
- Common FAQ’s to deal with any possible questions
Current B2B Sales Training Course Catalogue – Courses Available for Download Now
Our online B2B Sales Training Packages are available here, but if you can’t see what you’re looking for, just let us know and we’ll get our designers on it for you.
The sales training courses can be bought as seen, alternatively you can have the modules bespoke to your specific business needs.
These sales training courses are designed using the most up to date sales methods, based on the most recent buyer research and designed to deliver the sales results you need.
All courses are ready for you to deliver in your organisation.
Download B2B Sales Training Courses and Stay in Control
Building a standardised sales approach in any B2B team is critical, whether that’s coaching the team to a universal standard, using out inbuilt quality measures, or universal check lists you’ll be able to start proactive sales performance management immediately the training has been delivered.
Guaranteeing you the greatest chance of sales success, and an early alert system to ensure your training sticks.
Courses are available with online coaching, as required or as a complete stand alone product – again call to discuss if you think this will help you.
Perfect for sales leaders, sales trainers, sales professionals and sales led business owners…or even for sales professionals who want to go the extra mile to release their inner sales beast!
B2B Sales Training Courses covering:
- Sales Skills – The Basics
- B2B Sales Appointment Setting
- B2B Telephone Lead Generation
- Creating a Winning Sales Call Structure – Telephone
- Creating a Winning Sales Meeting Structure – Online and Face to Face
- Booking Sales Demos that Close
- Booking and Sitting Sales Demos that Close
- Pricing, Building Value, Dealing with Risk and Closing
- Creating B2B Sales Value Propositions
- What Sales Questions to Ask, When and Why
- Building Sales Processes to Support Sales Growth
- Sales Leadership via Key Performance Indicators – Performance Management Skills for Team Leaders
- Sales Metrics to Manage Sales Performance
- Objection Handling and the Zero Friction Sales
If you can’t find the sales training package you’re looking for, then please let us know and we’ll put it on our list.
We are currently updating all of our modular Online B2B Sales Training Courses
In the meantime, if you are looking for B2B Sales Training Courses to download, please contact us directly by calling Carol on 0779 002 1885
We are also currently running The Sales Improvement Workshop – detail are available via The Sales Improvement Workshop

Morton Kyle Limited is a leading B2B sales training company and sales consultancy.
We specialise in helping sales teams, sales leaders and business owners to fully release their sales potential.
Our services include:
- Sales Training
- Building a Scale-able Sales Strategy
- Sales Improvement
- Sales Process Audits
- Fast Sales Turnaround
- Sales Coaching
- Creating Competitive Advantage within the Sales Team
Morton Kyle’s module B2B sales training courses support your business.
All services are fully tailored to address the very specific issues that prevent your sales functions from thriving.
Our services release your sales revenue and profit potential.
Call for a confidential chat to discuss how we can support you and your business, contact Carol on 0779 002 1885
Download Sales Training Courses from Morton Kyle Limited and start building high impact sales skills in your business today.

Who am I?
I’m Carol Griffiths, and I’ve spent the last 30+ years in the trenches of sales—fixing broken pipelines, rebuilding underperforming teams, and helping businesses close more deals at higher margins.
I’ve worked with global brands, challenger firms, and fast-growth sales teams, helping them:
✔ Fix underperforming pipelines – turning ghosted leads into closed deals.
✔ Increase win rates – without discounting or chasing bad-fit prospects.
✔ Build sales systems that actually work – so you don’t waste time on ‘busy work’ that doesn’t convert.
I’m not another ‘sales trainer.’ I don’t teach theory. I fix sales problems – fast. And if you’re still reading, it means you’ve got a problem that needs fixing.
I know how sales leaders think because I’ve been one. I know what the board wants because I’ve sat in those meetings.
And I know what works – because I’ve done it, tested it, and proved it across industries, markets, and economic downturns.