As a leading provider of sales training in the UK, Morton Kyle support ambitious, dynamic and forward-thinking organisations in increase the sales revenues, sales margin and sales conversion, both in new business sales and in building account management territories.
We do this by using modern selling techniques and practical, proven frameworks that have already achieved great success in other organisations – you can check out our client reviews here….our aim is to help you create more selling time by introducing efficiencies as well as sharing progressive and dynamic ways of working that increase sales revenue, margin and conversions
Using our bespoke sales framework, tailored for direct sales teams, you’ll see benefit from this course if you’re:
- In charge of the sales process from start to finish, carrying a revenue and/or profit sales target
- Front line B2B sales or managing a front line B2B sales team
- Committed to achieving high sales results – margin, customer footprint and turnover
- Lacking a repeatable sales process that the sales team follow
- Saddled with sales prospects who are slow to make decisions, too price sensitive, or who disappear after you’ve done all the hard work
- Keen to maximise your sales conversion at every stage in the sales process
- Build an early alert system for sales peaks and troughs
- Looking at efficiency, productivity and effectiveness
- Want growth without increasing headcount
- Interested in introducing best practice and continuous sales improvement into the sales team
Direct Sales Training to Increase Your Selling Time & Sales Results
It’s a cradle to grave activity – you own the full 360 degree sales journey.
- You’re filling the sales pipeline at the top via incoming leads and proactive cold calling
- Qualifying sales prospects to the next level through the sales funnel
- Conducting extensive discovery and matching value
- Writing business-winning proposals
- Chasing sales proposals
- Negotiating price
- Closing the business
So, you may get given some leads along the way, but as far as the business is concerned…it’s down to you.
Your time is precious, your skills and your expertise expensive, there are never enough hours in the day!
The skill is in knowing where to employ your skills and experience so that you attract and engage with the best sales prospects and quickly weed out the rest.
Do this and who knows what sort of time you could free up per week?
Get the right selling method in place and you could be saving yourself at least 4 days per month, maybe even more.
What could you achieve with an extra 4 selling days per month?
Join us on The Sales Improvement Workshop and discover your real sales potential

Direct Sales Training – Why Morton Kyle?
Because we understand the very simple fact that whilst your sales skills are very good, your industry knowledge and expertise unquestionable, these are just table stakes.
Modern prospects and buyers have a whole new check list that providers need to get comfortable with before they can be accepted into the sales arena.
Failure to hit the buyers key objectives mean you’ll be working hard but losing traction as lesser competitors steal the deals you should be winning.
And that will hurt.
It will hurt your sales figures.
Your sales performance.
Sales career and promotion
Self respect and mindset
And no-one want’s that.
And that’s what our Direct Sales Training course focuses on results, turnover and margin, customer footprint, sales habits, sales mindset, daily sales activities, and sales attitude…and all the key elements that buyers need to see from their providers today.
Things like:
- Being able to minimise risk in the purchase process
- Engaging stakeholders at all levels to make it easy to get an internal yes
- Building no-brainer sales value propositions
- Building strong solution/problem fits based on first-class discovery
New business development, especially the cradle to grave variety, can be a black hole where too much time, effort and expertise spent on the wrong activity can derail even the most professional and capable sales professional.
Morton Kyle’s sales training is designed to help you understand and exploit where your opportunity to close high value, high margin business is the greatest…
Leaving your competitors to pick up the crumbs.
We know success breed success…and helping you enjoy the sales success you truly deserve is our aim.
The Morton Kyle Direct Sales Training Course for Ambition Sales Professionals
Run over two-days, you get to understand and apply the following:
- Opening new business opportunities quickly, consistently and professionally
- Sales discovery, scenario building, anti-friction sales discussions
- Moving to the next sales steps naturally so you build control into the sales process
- Setting agendas to prevent sales opportunities being wasted/going cold
- Building credibility with the key stakeholders by effective threading and Champion building
- Selling your pricing based on value, risk and critical problem points
- Writing proposals that get signed off easily – building no-brainer solutions
- Closing the business and creating raving fans
- Gaining referrals, recommendations, introductions
Your Take-Away : Active Selling System Framework = 4 Extra Sales Days Per Month Plus…
We’ll show you how to analyse your own sales performance so you can escalate your success, drive high performance without increasing effort and build a stronger, and more dynamic, sales pipeline
Employing the skills we cover here I’d hope you’d free up at least an extra 4 days per month…because even if you have the best sales skills in the world, if you spend too much of your time not in active sales mode then you’re wasting too much time, and that means lost revenue and earning potential.
You’ll get a B2B sales and new business generation method that is up to date, backed by the most up to date research and fully proven.
Accompanied by sales audit templates, sales performance management packs and continuous service improvement kits.
Still Thinking …?
That’s ok, let’s have a chat….
Tell me about what you’re currently doing and the results you’re getting and then tell me about the results you’d like to be getting AFTER we’ve worked together.
I can also share with you how I’ve helped on sales team go from a 1:26 close rate to a 1:4
How a sales team quadrupled their average order value in just 3 a very competitive space
And, then I’ll share how some small changes in pricing positioning lead to a 50% increase in profits
We can also talk about how you can use this opportunity to reset revenue driven best practice in your sales team and what that means for you as a sales leader of a target carrying function
Morton Kyle Sales Training Charter is here…take a look and find out more regarding how we design direct sales training courses that deliver results for you…
How to decide if this is really for you…
Are you tired of:
- Having a sales forecast that’s more guess work than you’d like?
- Dealing with sales prospects who take your knowledge, expertise and insights then buy from a cheaper provider
- Seeing your competitors winning business they don’t deserve and can’t keep?
- Building an ongoing file of prospects who go silent straight after you’ve given them the price?
- Working with decision makers who take forever to close?
- Being given the runaround by multiple stake holders?
- Having your margins chipped away by your competitors and prospects not understanding the value you actually deliver?
- Seeing days go by when you don’t achieve anything other that REALLY contributes to the bottom line?
- Scrambling to offer discounts and deals at the end of a month simply just to scrape target
- Inconsistent sales performance, one good month followed by two ‘ok’ months
- Overly stuffed sales CRM where you don’t really know who you should ditch or develop?
- No accurate means of forecasting sales performance more than 2 months out?
Does any of this sound familiar?
If you’re suffering from even a few of these then you know how disabling it can be…
Don’t you deserve a better way?
The Next Step:
Take this opportunity to think about what you want to achieve with your sales training. what results, behaviours, skills, daily habits. attitudes, mindsets and legacy.
Then lets have a chat 0779 002 1885 or email to set up a date/time to discuss further.
With Morton Kyle your direct sales training is so much more than you can expect from any other training, it’s designed to deliver the results you want, it’s supported so you get to enjoy those results, and build on them for a very long time.

With so much information available about how to improve sales, the best sales methods, the changing needs of buyers, what sales process to use… it’s often tough to know where to start if you want better sales results.
That’s why we create CLARITY from CONFUSION!
With our holistic approach to improving B2B sales performance, my clients can see an immediate uplift in sales outputs because we only focus on the elements of your sales function that are dragging your sales results down.
There is nothing hit and miss with our sales improvement interventions – whether that’s sales coaching, sales training or sales strategy.
What does that mean for you? Faster progress, less effort, fewer changes, less friction, smoother transition from the old to the new.
Don’t get bogged down in out the box sales solutions and ‘hit and run’ sales training – you’re closer than you think to getting the sales results you want, you don’t need to start from scratch.
So, what’s your sales challenge?
Let’s chat!