Nothing makes my heart sink faster than a weak sales pipeline…
I don’t know if it’s hope in the sales person’s face when they try to convince themselves that the sales pipeline is worth more than it actually is…
Or the same familiar names getting bumped on every quarter.
It could be the quasi-begging emails I see going out that are just one deep breath away from pleading with the prospect to come to the phone, respond to some form of half-cooked sales outreach
I guess the thing that pushes me over the edge is the painful conversations that ensure when a sales rep is trying to defend their shocking sales forecast as it melts again like a choc-ice on an June pavement…
Especially when we both knew this would happen…
It’s not that hard.
It’s never been that hard.
So, exactly, tell me, what’s stopping you getting a sales pipeline to be proud of?
A sales pipeline that you have some faith in?
A sales lead stack that produces the right kind of deals, when you want then?
With the right type of firms, spending a suitable amount of money on a regular basis?
What’s so hard?
Why is Building a Well Qualified, High Converting Sales Lead Pipeline Tough?
Here’s a clue…it’s tough because sales reps make it tough!
It’s not rocket science to lift up enough rocks until you find sufficient high quality sales prospects who, after suitable qualification, drop into your sales CRM, and go on to get either worked up into a potential quote or screened out.
It’s the type of sausage machine process that leads to gold!
But it seems, that’s not easy enough…
Whether deterred by the effort, the work rate, the act of cold / warmish outreach…this is by far the easiest way to fill the sales funnel with high quality, well qualified sales opportunities.
And…if you don’t find this process super easy then you are definitely doing it wrong!
Unless you fix it, it will cost you a mountain of money!
Money that’s going to your competitors and not you…
Now is that sufficient motivation to get you thinking differently about telephone sales lead generation?
The Skill That Keeps on Giving | B2B Telephone Lead Generation | UK Courses Available
B2B telephone sales lead generation is the starting point in every single successful sales efforts.
So, knowing that, also understand that you only need to get good at this stuff once.
After that, well it’s just muscle memory! And you just couldn’t stop yourself even if you wanted to.
To be really successful in B2B telephone lead generation it’s important that you make the mental connect between lead generation activities and the quality and quantity of sales leads that go in the top of the sales pipeline.
It’s also critical to understand how the B2B telephone lead generation efforts translate at each stage of the sales process.
Remember – Rubbish in = Rubbish out!
But that’s the same for any sales lead genertaion activity…
Sure, you can wait for the contact form to come in from your website, you can look at your SEO rankings and hope they kick in soon, you can even throw money dosh at the PPC team…and that’s great…
But, at some point, if you want control, you must wake up, grasp the phone and get dialing.
Nothing says – predictable sales outcome like smart b2b sales lead generation.
You control the quality or leads entering into the sales process, the quantity of leads, and (if you’re smart and have worked out your sales recipe) you know exactly what that mix of quality and quantity will convert to in terms of revenue and margin.
It’s simple.
It’s guaranteed.
Here’s how you really ramp your b2b telephone lead generation…
- Don’t call anyone and everyone in your target market!
Because that’s exactly what your competition are doing.
When they go left, you go right…
Find / create / develop your Perfect Prospect Profile and hunt them down, get on their radar, work the sales nurture and see them let themselves be pulled through your lead generation process
- Don’t use the same old tacky pitch with every single prospect.
Each of your prospects has a unique business, sure their problems may be almost identical, so how you deal with their problem as it appears to them may be a million miles away with how you deal with the same problem in your other prospects
- Don’t sounds just like your competitors
Yawn, yawn…the prospect’s probably had the same lead generation call 5 times already this week…if your lead generation team sound just like your competitors then will they cut through the noise or get the same tired reaction from the prospect?
- Sell the next stage in the lead generation process…
Few sales leads convert on the first approach.
That means you need to get the lead, your prospect, to the next stage.
And the next.
And the next.
So you see, good telephone lead generation and sales prospecting is simply about moving the lead from one stage to the next stage.
So, stop going for the close too soon, but do sell the next stage hard.
Sell the next stage harder than you sell the final stage.
See what that does to your sales pipeline – quality, quantity, worth and conversion rates.
This B2B telephone sales lead generation call works best with teams who are responsible for filling the sales pipeline with well qualified, high quality sales opportunities.
This might be in the form of booked appointments, booked demo calls, or date driven pre-qualification calls, ready for the next approach at a more relevant time.
It’s also a great business development course for new sales guys who have yet to build their sales pipeline who are new to the business, new to the territory
It’s as useful to those sales teams who aren’t quite grasping that a healthy sales pipeline needs to be continuously topped up with sales leads all though the year…maybe they’ve forgotten that b2b lead generation is as important as it evidently is.
After all, if very little is going in the top of the funnel, the funnel can run out very quickly.
But even worse that that…if your sales cycle time is 3 months, then the top of the funnel takes the longest to repair to see a difference in the bottom of the funnel…so it never hurts to be (in this example) at least 3 months ahead of the curve in terms of filling the top of the sales funnel.
This course – B2B telephone lead generation training – will focus everyone’s attention on doing just that.
The Most Effective B2B Telephone Lead Generation Training | UK Courses Available
- The Lead Generation Process
- Leaving great voice-mails
- Activity / Sales Habits Matrix – putting you in control!
- Identifying Your Ideal Client / Buyer Persona
- Indentifying Key Problems and Challenges
- Understanding why the Perfect Prospect Profile is Complex
- Making the Cold Call – Perfect Call Structure
- Positioning Value Statements
- Cutting through the Noise
- Lead Generation – Referral Generation, Cold Approach, Lapsed Prospect Reactivation, Lapsed Client Reactivation,
- Building an Org Chart to Assess Scope and Opportunity
- Working with the Gate-keeper
- Working with Referrers, Influencers, Users
- Building Strong Value Proposition / Opening Statement
- Selling to an Unknown Need
- 3 Quick Positive Sales Qualifications
- Building a Buying Case – Viable Reasons to Purchase vs. Not Purchase
- Smart Sales Qualification Questions
- How to Sell the Next Stage
- Trial Closes for the Next Stage
- Discussing the Price balanced with Value and Risk
- Pre-empting Objections for a Frictionless Sale
- Handling Objections
- Using a call agenda
- Preventing the Prospect from Going Dark Half-way Through the Lead Generation Process
- Cross-selling / Up-Selling to Increase Average Order Value
- Nurturing the No’s
- The Final Stage – Handing off the call to another / booking an appointment
Why the Morton Kyle B2B Telephone Lead Generation Training UK based course?
I know how important it is to have a high quality, well qualified, rich sales pipeline with predictable conversion rates at each stage.
Instead of a jumble sale bulging tatty bag of ‘sales leads’ who you’ve not spoken to for 4 years, you once bumped into at a networking event, have been bought in by marketing but never marketed to…you know what I’m saying, the list could go on.
A smart sales pipeline means a greater chance of having a uniform sales result at the end…
Plus with a smart sales pipeline and a solid lead generation process, the business has a stable asset to predict sales growth, guarantee against sales down-turns and make each month a target smasher.
B2B sales lead generation is the basic building block of any good sales team.
With the Morton Kyle B2B telephone lead generation training, UK based, bespoke or generic course is available now to help your lead generation, telemarketing or sales team see how they really can turbo charge their sales performance using the skills we’ll share during this course.
B2B telephone lead generation training, UK based, bespoke or generic course – available now.

Who am I?
I’m Carol Griffiths, and I’ve spent the last 30+ years in the trenches of sales—fixing broken pipelines, rebuilding underperforming teams, and helping businesses close more deals at higher margins.
I’ve worked with global brands, challenger firms, and fast-growth sales teams, helping them:
✔ Fix underperforming pipelines – turning ghosted leads into closed deals.
✔ Increase win rates – without discounting or chasing bad-fit prospects.
✔ Build sales systems that actually work – so you don’t waste time on ‘busy work’ that doesn’t convert.
I’m not another ‘sales trainer.’ I don’t teach theory. I fix sales problems – fast. And if you’re still reading, it means you’ve got a problem that needs fixing.
I know how sales leaders think because I’ve been one. I know what the board wants because I’ve sat in those meetings.
And I know what works – because I’ve done it, tested it, and proved it across industries, markets, and economic downturns.