Sales Leadership

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Interim Sales Director | Fractional Sales Leadership | Sales Transformation

Interim Sales Director | Fractional Sales Leadership | Sales Transformation

Carol Griffiths MBAWith so much information available about how to improve sales, the best sales methods, the changing needs of buyers, what sales process to use… it’s often tough to know where to start if you want better sales results. That’s why we create CLARITY from CONFUSION! With our holistic approach to improving B2B sales…

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Sales Conversion Rates | Managing Poor Sales Performance

Sales Conversion Rates | Managing Poor Sales Performance

Sales Conversion Rates Lots of sales leaders and sales people monitor their sales conversion rates since it’s a good top line indicator in terms of converting the ‘potential opportunity’ to the ‘actual order’. It’s asset utilisation at the starting point for sales – whether that’s a marketing campaign, a cold outreach, event attendee or an…

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Make Way for the Transformational Sales Manager

Make Way for the Transformational Sales Manager

Sales Manager vs Transformational Sales Manager? I’ve always had a tonne of appreciation for a good Sales Manager, they are rare and often under-rated. A good Sales Manager juggles the commercial tension from above, whilst satisfying the needs of the sales team. Tirelessly stuck in the middle, trying to broker the best outcomes for both….

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Competitive Selling Strategy – Why Letting Go of the Old Means Winning More Sales

Competitive Selling Strategy – Why Letting Go of the Old Means Winning More Sales

Building your competitive selling strategy a critical first step in improving sales performance, but…. Too often it’s over complicated, knee jerk and identical to competitors…and when that happens Then so starts the race to the bottom! So, why do so many teams get wrong? Why don’t sales results reflect ambitions? Why is every month a…

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How to Spot Great Sales People | Checklist

How to Spot Great Sales People | Checklist

Sales Reps who are really Order-Takers won’t convert at the level they should with buyers who need to speak with industry experts who add value, show a deeper buyer understanding and who have the status of trusted adviser. Consultative selling, solution selling, being an educator, leader, creative source for the buyer is exactly what order takers fail to deliver. What’s having order-takers in your sales team costing you?

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Your Sales Process is Leaking Money. Let’s Plug the Gaps & Multiply Your Close Rate | 90 Day Sales Sprint

Improving sales performance in just 90 days. STOP making it easier for your competitors to grow! Every single day you tolerate a leaking sales process you give them your lead, your sales revenue, precious margin and an easy flow of leads and opportunities that makes them stronger and you weaker…Do you really want to keep doing that? I didn’t think so…book a call today and make the first step in strangling the leads and cash you’re sending to competitors

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How to Boost Sales Revenues and Profits…Start Your Sales Engine Today!

How to Boost Sales Revenues and Profits…Start Your Sales Engine Today!

Selling is complex. Markets change rapidly. Competitors evolve. And there is always someone willing to discount to shortcut the sales process. So, this is for you of you’re a sales leader seeking inspiration. Today, I want to share with you some of the quick wins I’ve used over the last 20 years to help immediately…

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Sales Coaching That Delivers Real Results – Special Offer.

Sales Coaching That Delivers Real Results – Special Offer.

Your sales coach is on your side when you challenge yourself to be the best sales person, sales leader, sales specialist you can be, for yourself, your team and your clients. High accountability, results focused, on your side to get the tough jobs done together

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10 Ways to Build a High Converting Sales Pipeline

10 Ways to Build a High Converting Sales Pipeline

High Converting Sales Pipeline or Sales Plug Hole? What have you got… High converting sales pipeline, an ok-ish sales pipeline, or a sales plughole? It’s ok if you don’t know. Many organisations don’t. It’s a classic failing in under performing sales functions. Sadly, that’s an opportunity missed to really extract the highest level of sales…

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Sales Management Training Courses | Solving Key Sales Problems for Sales Leaders

Sales Management Training Courses | Solving Key Sales Problems for Sales Leaders

Sales Management Training Courses courses often conjure up the picture of long courses filled with lots of great theory and knowledge building, folders three inches thick, flip charts and pages of great ideas. That’s great. But how many of those great ideas make it back into the business? How much of that great theory ever…

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