Close the Gap | Meet Revenue & Margin Targets

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Close the Gap | Meet Revenue & Margin Targets

Join us and discover how high performance sales teams systematically achieve revenue and profit margin targets!

Discover the sales habits that dramatically improve the long term revenue trajectory of a sales rep….and the business.

This is what struggling sales teams use to catch up on lagging sales revenue and margin targets…and now you you.

Start using the sales habits that immediately increases sales revenue and margin, this month and for EVERY month after!

It’s a game changer – sales functions get higher revenues without increasing sales conversion rates, lead volumes, marketing budget or head count.

And the perfect antidote for:

  • Making good on a sales revenue deficit – as the impact is immediate – you never need carry this quarter’s revenue lag into next quarter
  • Increasing margin – cost of sales is almost zero
  • Immediately increasing the revenue potential in the sales pipeline
  • Giving your sales team the skills and thinking they need to a more commercial approach to selling

When it comes to increasing sales revenue quickly so many businesses get it wrong – they try to increase lead volumes, discount harder, increase sales conversion rates – these are all long term, high risk, and expensive strategies… FACT.

Maximise average order values | Increase sales revenue, margin and pipeline value without increasing headcount or marketing budget

Smart businesses KNOW that maximising average order values is the number 1 go to strategy when a sales function needs to make up revenue fast!

Make a smart move today and discover how to maximise the average order value in your team

Maximise average order values | Increase sales revenue, margin and pipeline value without increasing headcount or marketing budget

High Performance Sales Reps Know the Value of Increasing Average Order Values

Ever wondered why your sales reps still struggle to hit target some months?

It’s not because they’re not closing deals – it’s because they’re leaving revenue on the table.

Revenue your buyer would happily part with if given a good enough reason.

Revenue there for the taking.

Easy revenue. Fast margin. Money at zero cost, and near zero effort.

Underestimating the potential of every sale, not maximising the average order value (AOV) means your sales reps are unwittingly and innocently leaving cash, cash they desperately need, on the prospect’s table…

The result?

Your margins suffer, your sales targets are harder to hit, and your revenue goals begin to resemble a distant mirage.

But here’s the kicker: failing to fully capitalise on each sales opportunity has a ripple effect—hurting not just this month’s numbers, but next month’s, and every month thereafter.

The “leaving-cash-on-the-table” habit compounds faster than interest on a bad credit card, and before you know it, your sales team is scrambling to make up for lost ground.

Do you recognise this in your team?

Maximise average order values | Increase sales revenue, margin and pipeline value without increasing headcount or marketing budget

The Real Cost of Leaving Cash on the Table

It’s estimated that salespeople leave as much as 30% of potential revenue on the table by not maximising opportunities when they have the chance.

According to a study by CSO Insights, 60% of forecasted deals fail to close at the predicted value because sales reps don’t adequately upsell, cross-sell, or negotiate for full value.

Just think: if your team’s closing £1M in deals this month, that could mean a hidden loss of up to £300,000 in unrealised potential—ouch!

Consider this: a sales rep who misses out on optimising AOV by just 20% in every 3k sale could find themselves 5 sales behind every single month.

Versus the sales rep that bills an extra 20% on an AOV of 3.6k instead of 3k, who finds themselves 3 sales over target every single month.

Both examples based on a 60k per month target.

Those number are a stark reminder of why spending time to build a higher AOV reaps rewards many times….

But that’s not the end of it.

The rep that sells at a rate 20% lower than they should will need to work at least 2x harder in subsequent months to make up the shortfall, they’re dropping the revenue equivalent to 5 sales every single month.

The math becomes brutal fast….often too tough to recover from unless you incur the added expense of a higher headcount.

Sales Training | Sales Coaching | Sales Audits | Sales Improvement

Why Sales Reps Leave Revenue Behind

This isn’t just about lack of skill. There are behavioural habits at play. Here’s what they look like:

  1. Avoiding the Upsell Conversation
    Many salespeople feel like they’re pushing too hard if they suggest add-ons or premium options. It’s a psychological barrier – fear of losing what’s already “in the bag.” But in reality, 79% of customers expect personalised offers and would be open to considering them if presented correctly (Forrester Research). It’s not a hard sell—it’s enhancing the solution.
  2. Not Knowing When to Push for More Value
    Too many reps close as soon as they sense a “Yes,” instead of exploring value add-ons. This might feel like a win for speed, but it’s a long-term loss in revenue. Studies show that 71% of customers are willing to spend more for a better solution (Salesforce), but only if it’s positioned properly.
  3. Failure to Use Sales Data for Better Negotiation
    When reps aren’t equipped with insights on the client’s previous buying patterns or don’t leverage real-time data, they miss out on cues to elevate the deal. A report from the Sales Management Association found that top-performing reps use data 75% more effectively than their lower-performing counterparts, enabling them to capture more value in each transaction.

The Compound Impact on Revenue—and Morale

The damage of leaving money on the table goes beyond missing today’s target. Each under-optimised deal adds a small crack in your sales foundation. Before long, those cracks multiply:

  • The Monthly Quota Shortfall: Reps fall short this month, which means fewer incentives and lower commissions, affecting their motivation.
  • Quarterly Panic Mode: They scramble to recover, sacrificing longer-term, high-quality opportunities for quick wins.
  • Annual Forecast Headaches: Missed AOV optimisation means the annual revenue target starts slipping, pushing the entire team into “catch-up mode” indefinitely.
Maximise average order values | Increase sales revenue, margin and pipeline value without increasing headcount or marketing budget

Turn “Cash-Leaving” Reps into Revenue Generators

So, what’s the solution?

It’s not just about training on upselling or offering incentives for higher AOV (though those help).

It’s about transforming the mindset and building a habit of maximising every opportunity.

That’s where targeted training can have a massive impact.

Sales leaders often think they need more leads or more people to hit target—when in reality, they need to get more value out of the existing pipeline.

Imagine if every rep optimised just 5% more value in each sale. If your average deal is £50,000, and your team closes 10 deals a month, that’s an extra £25,000 per month—an additional £300,000 in annual revenue, without a single extra cold call or lead added.

All without additional investment in

  • Headcount.
  • Marketing spend.
  • Lead volume

Don’t Let Easy Revenue Slip Through the Cracks

Want to see how this can transform your sales team?

If you’re feeling the sting of underperformance despite a strong pipeline, it’s time to book a call and see how you can train your team to close every deal to its full potential.

Your competitors won’t be leaving that cash on the table—so why should you?

Ready to turn every sales opportunity into full value? Let’s talk.

Call Carol on 0779 002 1885 to check dates and availability – we have a course specifically designed to tackle this issue, ensure consistent revenue optimisation, and boost your sales team’s performance and morale.

Maximise average order values | Increase sales revenue, margin and pipeline value without increasing headcount or marketing budget

Book Now | Discover How to Increase Your Sales Revenue and Margins

It’s just 3 hours to change how you maximise the AOV and help your team get a head of themselves and ensure they maximise their sales revenues

With some slight adjustments, your sales team can be closing more lucrative deals without chasing more leads.

Don’t let the habit of leaving money on the table sabotage your revenue potential—time to fix those leaks!

Sales Training | Sales Coaching | Sales Audits | Sales Improvement