Year: 2023

Home / 2023
B2B Sales Training, UK Onsite Delivery | B2B Sales Courses for All Levels

B2B Sales Training, UK Onsite Delivery | B2B Sales Courses for All Levels

B2B sales training, UK based, onsite delivery, using modern sales training methods that move the needle on the most critical sales metrics. Those sales metrics that mean the most to the Leadership Tea, the Board, Banks, Investors and Equity Teams. Put simply, we use proven sales improvement methods and training solutions that help sales teams…

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Increasing Sales Results with Morton Kyle Limited

Increasing Sales Results with Morton Kyle Limited

Increasing sales results is one of those projects that’s on every senior managements list. It’s a big subject. Invariably it will have different success criteria, constraints and aims in every single boardroom. That’s why, at Morton Kyle, we don’t talk about increasing sales results until we’ve understood WHY you’re getting the sales results you are….

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BASIC B2B SALES TRAINING COURSE – Being Brilliant at the Sales Basics

BASIC B2B SALES TRAINING COURSE – Being Brilliant at the Sales Basics

Basic B2B sales training courses are not just for people who are new to sales and business development. Sometimes, especially when sales results are less than ideal, it’s useful to go back to first principles and review current practices, update those sales skills for the modern buyer, revitalising the sales team and their sales pitch….

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Sales Conversion Rates | Managing Poor Sales Performance

Sales Conversion Rates | Managing Poor Sales Performance

Sales Conversion Rates Lots of sales leaders and sales people monitor their sales conversion rates since it’s a good top line indicator in terms of converting the ‘potential opportunity’ to the ‘actual order’. It’s asset utilisation at the starting point for sales – whether that’s a marketing campaign, a cold outreach, event attendee or an…

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Morton Kyle Limited – Leading Sales Training Companies UK

Morton Kyle Limited – Leading Sales Training Companies UK

Bespoke B2B Sales Training |The Sales Improvement Workshop | Sales Consultancy | Sales Coaching | Sales Audit | Sales Turnaround | Sales Build   When you want more sales, higher conversions, additional revenue and higher margins…but just don’t know where to start – talk to us, we’re Morton Kyle, one of the Leading Sales Training Companies, UK based working globally on…

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How Your Sales Process Can Help You Avoid a 100% Fail Rate

How Your Sales Process Can Help You Avoid a 100% Fail Rate

Is Your Customer’s Buying Experience Fun and Fiction Free? Buying from you should be a frictionless process for your prospects and customers. If they want to spend money with you, when they don’t have to, when they have lots of choice….then it would make sense that you give the prospect a positive and memorable buying…

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Design a Sales and Business Development System to Deliver Accelerated Sales Growth

Design a Sales and Business Development System to Deliver Accelerated Sales Growth

Your sales and business development system should be so simple that it’s easy to see where it’s not working as it should. That means any fix is easy and fast. Over complicated sales, marketing and business development pathways rarely get the sales results they should. Find out why here

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Make Way for the Transformational Sales Manager

Make Way for the Transformational Sales Manager

Sales Manager vs Transformational Sales Manager? I’ve always had a tonne of appreciation for a good Sales Manager, they are rare and often under-rated. A good Sales Manager juggles the commercial tension from above, whilst satisfying the needs of the sales team. Tirelessly stuck in the middle, trying to broker the best outcomes for both….

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Unlocking Success: A Comprehensive Guide to the 21 Stages of Sales Performance Audit

Unlocking Success: A Comprehensive Guide to the 21 Stages of Sales Performance Audit

Your organisation operates in a competitive space, so optimising your sales process is essential for growth. Dive into our comprehensive guide, as we walk you through the 21 crucial stages of a sales improvement audit. Learn how to identify bottlenecks, uncover hidden opportunities, maintain sales optimisation and boost your sales performance

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Sales Pipeline Improvement | Using Your Sales Qualification Process to Accelerate Sales Growth

Sales Pipeline Improvement | Using Your Sales Qualification Process to Accelerate Sales Growth

Sales leaders, are you ready to supercharge your sales pipeline management? In this comprehensive blog post, we’ve compiled a list of 30 essential questions that every sales leader should ask their sales representatives. By probing into various aspects of the sales process, you can gain valuable insights, identify bottlenecks, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Let’s dive in and explore how these questions can help you optimize your sales pipeline and drive exceptional results.

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Sales Training vs Sales Coaching in Maximising Sales Growth

Sales Training vs Sales Coaching in Maximising Sales Growth

Improvements in sales results and sales growth can be huge under the right circumstances. More often they are incremental and hard fought for. Some sales improvement strategies can only be judged – win or fail – post event…that’s what I want to share here…. The choice – sales training vs sales coaching in high performance…

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The Sales Leader’s Checklist | Monthly Plan

The Sales Leader’s Checklist | Monthly Plan

I wanted to share this Sales Leader’s Checklist because it’s one of the foundations of our Sales Leadership and Management Program – and it always get’s rave reviews….so here you are! You don’t need anyone to tell you the role of a sales leader comes with unique responsibilities and challenges, and the first day of…

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Sales Qualification Questions & Sales Discovery Questions with B2B Examples

Sales Qualification Questions & Sales Discovery Questions with B2B Examples

Being skilled in asking great sales qualification questions is the key to success in selling, the quality of your sales discovery questions is directly related to your sales close rate! In fact, I can guarantee that if you can ask great sales qualification / sales discovery questions then you will automatically be near the top…

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Driving Sales Performance: Strategies for Growth, Revenue Optimisation, and Market Dominance

Driving Sales Performance: Strategies for Growth, Revenue Optimisation, and Market Dominance

Is looking at Sales Improvement Strategies at the top of your leadership agenda this year? Recent research states that the primary concern of CEOs today is the stability of their revenue streams. This suggests stability over growth. This is telling in itself. No competitive organisation should be aiming for stability in a competitive space. It…

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Next Level Sales Coaching Services for Growth

Next Level Sales Coaching Services for Growth

Are you looking for Sales Coaching Services? Then check out our special offer below – specifically designed to introduce you to sales coaching with minimum investment. We offer next level sales coaching services to sales consultants, sales team leaders, sales managers and directors, as well as executive leaders who need to solve critical sales challenges….

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Sales Analysis | Data Driven Sales Growth

Sales Analysis | Data Driven Sales Growth

Sales performance analysis is crucial to an organisation for several reasons. It provides valuable insights and data-driven decision-making capabilities that can significantly impact the success of a company, and it improves agility to any changemes or movements before they become trends. Sales Performance Analysis | What to Measure? What gets measured gets managed! We’ve all…

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Competitive Selling Strategy – Why Letting Go of the Old Means Winning More Sales

Competitive Selling Strategy – Why Letting Go of the Old Means Winning More Sales

Building your competitive selling strategy a critical first step in improving sales performance, but…. Too often it’s over complicated, knee jerk and identical to competitors…and when that happens Then so starts the race to the bottom! So, why do so many teams get wrong? Why don’t sales results reflect ambitions? Why is every month a…

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Sales Prospecting: Unlocking Sales Growth By Design

Sales Prospecting: Unlocking Sales Growth By Design

Sales prospecting over the last 4 years has become increasingly tough Connecting with decision makers is the number one sales frustration with many sales teams. That is a proven fact. Some people will hide behind their email. Others won’t picks up calls from telephone numbers they don’t recognise. But whilst all the gurus out there…

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Sales Metrics | Selecting the Best Sales Key Performance Indicators are Critical Success Factor in Driving Sales Improvement

Sales Metrics | Selecting the Best Sales Key Performance Indicators are Critical Success Factor in Driving Sales Improvement

Selecting your sales metrics, your sales key performance indicators (KPI), can make a big difference in how your sales team perform, how they thrive and how they build efficiency and effectiveness into their every day sales activities, habits and sales mindset. This is especially useful in any sales improvement or sales turnaround situation, but also critical around any sales training intervention or coaching situation. If you’re not actively managing the critical sales metrics – how will you know what you’re doing is working, and what to do to make it work better?

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Start Managing Poor Sales Performance Today

Managing poor sales performance takes effort, but that’s probably because you’re only looking at sales performance management when the sales results dip – instead of being focussed on hitting sales targets every single day. Yet this is what needs to happen. Managing a sales team daily, sales rep by sales rep, to avoid low sales…

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Building Highly Qualified Sales Funnels | Understanding Your Buyer’s Journey

Building Highly Qualified Sales Funnels | Understanding Your Buyer’s Journey

Building Highly Qualified Sales Funnels… Where is your contact in their buying cycle now? Top of the sales funnel? Your contact, might not even be a prospect yet, is just looking, not sure if they need you or your solution, may be early on in their search in scoping the market. No idea of the…

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High Converting Sales Structure – How You Sell Is More Important Than What You Sell

High Converting Sales Structure – How You Sell Is More Important Than What You Sell

Sales structure is key to growth, scale, coaching, effective onboarding, great sales pipeline management…not to mention the ability to consistently convert prospects to paying customers at the highest possible rate. That’s why all of our sales training courses for telesales, telephone sales, lead generation, appointment setting, field sales and account management cover sales structure as an integral part of the sales program

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Privacy Morton Kyle Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in the UK. There are no external investors, associates or open alliances between Morton Kyle Limited and any other organisation or body. If this changes, you will be notified in accordance with your relationship with Morton Kyle Limited. Morton Kyle Limited will not share, distribute…

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Sales Training Best Practice | Questions to Discover the Difference Between Good and Great Training!

Sales Training Best Practice | Questions to Discover the Difference Between Good and Great Training!

Sales Training Best Practice – Questions to Ask Your Sales Trainer Before You Spend Your Training Budget…Perfect for when you want Sales Training that delivers an agreed up lift in sales results. Sales Improvement solutions are so much more than just sales training courses, how that sales training is designed, structured, delivered and aligned with internal ways of working is critical for the success of the sales training course and the sales team being trained. For a sales training course that delivers the sales performance outputs you need, with a full sales support package to help managers and team leaders align their activities to support Continuous Sales Improvement – talk to Morton Kyle

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Consultative Selling Skills | Get Rid of Hit and Run Sales Habits Today!

Consultative Selling Skills | Get Rid of Hit and Run Sales Habits Today!

Consultative Selling Skills – The sales training solution to help you elevate your B2B sales team and put them ahead of your competitor – Consultative Selling Skills for B2B Sales Teams who need the confidence and skills to engage buyers on a deeper level using value propositions, ROI, risk mitigation. Helping sales teams to build trust, educate and advise prospects using a differentiated selling position

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Sales Improvement Consultant Trainer | End to End Sales Growth

Update pending Carol Griffiths MBAWith so much information available about how to improve sales, the best sales methods, the changing needs of buyers, what sales process to use… it’s often tough to know where to start if you want better sales results. That’s why we create CLARITY from CONFUSION! With our holistic approach to improving…

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Objection Handling Training | Friction Free Selling

Objection Handling Training | Friction Free Selling

In sales, objection handling training is not what it used to be! But, even still, knowing how to handle objections professionally, smoothly and without derailing the whole sales process is a game changer. Especially when it comes to building a high quality sales pipeline that consistently converts to closed deals. But the truth is, if…

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B2B Telesales Training Courses for New Business Sales Hunters

B2B Telesales Training Courses for New Business Sales Hunters

B2B Telesales Training – Sales Training – Discover the 17 positive revenue generating outcomes from cold calling with the Morton Kyle B2B Telesales Training Course…Kill Rejection and Fill the Sales Pipeline with High Quality, Well Qualified Sales Prospects

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Done Chasing Quotes | How to Avoid Your Hot Prospect Going AWOL

Done Chasing Quotes | How to Avoid Your Hot Prospect Going AWOL

Are you done chasing quotes from keen sales prospects who go cold overnight?  Booking call back after call back…chasing sales quotes that you worked hard on? Making that all important sales follow up that comes right at the very end of the sales process when you’ve done all the hard work….or so you think –…

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B2B Sales Courses | Design the Perfect B2B Sales Course to Grow Your Sales

B2B Sales Courses | Design the Perfect B2B Sales Course to Grow Your Sales

B2B Sales Training Courses that link every day sales activities to outstanding sales results. High impact, results driven, dealing with sales mindset, sales skills and sales habits. Fully bespoke and based on extensive sales analysis of your sales team performance to date.

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Sales Improvement Ideas| 50 Areas of Improvement for Sales Reps

Sales Improvement Ideas| 50 Areas of Improvement for Sales Reps

There are at least 135 levers to pull to improve sales results from your sales team, here’s 50 sales improvement ideas to get you started Every sales leader looks for areas of improvement in their sales reps performance….and in doing so, often overlook the real control they have in terms of helping the reps deliver…

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Sales Performance Audit – 14 Days to Unlock Your Sales Potential with a Sales Audit

Sales Performance Audit – 14 Days to Unlock Your Sales Potential with a Sales Audit

Sales Audit is your first step to gaining control of your sales function. It’s the building block of any sales improvement effort, and the basis for unlocking your businesses full sales potential

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How to Spot Great Sales People | Checklist

How to Spot Great Sales People | Checklist

Sales Reps who are really Order-Takers won’t convert at the level they should with buyers who need to speak with industry experts who add value, show a deeper buyer understanding and who have the status of trusted adviser. Consultative selling, solution selling, being an educator, leader, creative source for the buyer is exactly what order takers fail to deliver. What’s having order-takers in your sales team costing you?

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Improving Sales Performance | 90 Day Sales Sprint | Done For You

Improving Sales Performance | 90 Day Sales Sprint | Done For You

Improving sales performance in just 90 days. Your 90 day sales sprint designed to fast track your sales improvement using practical, results focused sales and business development initiatives that are proven to work. Changing sales habits, focus, activities and practices to build a string base for ongoing sales growth

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Online Sales Training | Budget Friendly & Fast!

Online Sales Training | Budget Friendly & Fast!

Online Sales Training – Live sales training delivered online with an experienced sales trainer – perfect for when you want results fast, want to avoid the cost and time commitment of full blown sales training. Virtual online sales training, delivered live across the globe

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How to Boost Sales Revenues and Profits…Start Your Sales Engine Today!

How to Boost Sales Revenues and Profits…Start Your Sales Engine Today!

Selling is complex. Markets change rapidly. Competitors evolve. And there is always someone willing to discount to shortcut the sales process. So, this is for you of you’re a sales leader seeking inspiration. Today, I want to share with you some of the quick wins I’ve used over the last 20 years to help immediately…

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B2B Sales Prospecting Training | High Converting Sales Leads | Be a B2B Prospector

B2B Sales Prospecting Training | High Converting Sales Leads | Be a B2B Prospector

B2B Sales Prospect Training | Lead Generation Training to fill the sales pipeline with high quality, well qualified sales prospects.

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Sales Coach | Sales Coaching to Improve Results | Special Offer

Sales Coach | Sales Coaching to Improve Results | Special Offer

Your sales coach is on your side when you challenge yourself to be the best sales person, sales leader, sales specialist you can be, for yourself, your team and your clients. High accountability, results focused, on your side to get the tough jobs done together

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Sales Leadership Training | Sales Improvement Skills Development for Leaders & Managers

Sales Leadership Training | Sales Improvement Skills Development for Leaders & Managers

Sales improvement is a big challenges,for anyone is a sales leadership or sales management position especially when it comes on the back of having to run the day to day sales function. That’s why Morton Kyle have designed a suite of sales improvement and sales trouble shooting solutions to help you navigate to the easy wins, repair the costly sales leaks and start the process of introducing continuous sales improvement and sales performance management into your business development function

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Free Sales Health Check Up with your Sales Coaching  | Skills or Results Analysis.

Free Sales Health Check Up with your Sales Coaching | Skills or Results Analysis.

Book your free Sales Health Check (results or skills) when you sign up for your Sales Coaching using our special offer. The Morton Kyle Special Offer | Sales Coaching Every month Morton Kyle opens up the diary for 7 sales coaching clients – who perhaps wouldn’t be normally able to access sales coaching services due…

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Overcoming Sales Objections | Handling Sales Objections with the Friction Free Sales Pitch

Overcoming Sales Objections | Handling Sales Objections with the Friction Free Sales Pitch

‘My product/service/company and I offer such overwhelming value that what we sell is worth two or three times the price we ask, and I’m going to prove it to this buyer so he understands what he’s getting and what a gift it is…at any price’ This is a savvy, high performance sales person’s mindset… Objection…

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Sales Meeting: Does Your Prospect Enjoy Buying From You?

Sales Meeting: Does Your Prospect Enjoy Buying From You?

Use this information to decide if your current prospect sales meeting structure is helping you close business or kill opportunities… Your prospect will NOT buy from you if they are not happy during the sales process! Try as you might, the bored, irritated, grumpy, confused and annoyed buyer is not someone you should bet on….

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Free Sales Training Needs Analysis

Free Sales Training Needs Analysis

Free sales training needs analysis when you book your sales training with Morton Kyle Limited Sales training budgets are not infinite – so we know that you need to get real results when you invest in any sales training for your team. We know that your investment needs a strong return on investment mapped out,…

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Is Your Sales Strategy Primed To Deliver Great Results?

Is Your Sales Strategy Primed To Deliver Great Results?

Sales Strategy to build the sales function to deliver the sales results to match your sales ambitions. And to continuously drive sales improvement, sales efficiency and sales effectiveness

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FAQ | Sales Improvement | Sales Training | Sales Coaching | Sales Audits

FAQ | Sales Improvement | Sales Training | Sales Coaching | Sales Audits

Welcome to the Morton Kyle FAQ Page
Are you looking to enhance your sales skills, evaluate your sales processes, or drive sales performance improvement? You’ve come to the right place! Our team of sales experts is here to provide answers to your most common questions about sales training, sales audits, and sales improvement. Explore the comprehensive FAQs below to gain valuable insights into optimising your sales strategy.

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Sales Turnaround | MI Based Sales Transformation

Sales Turnaround | MI Based Sales Transformation

Carol Griffiths MBAWith so much information available about how to improve sales, the best sales methods, the changing needs of buyers, what sales process to use… it’s often tough to know where to start if you want better sales results. That’s why we create CLARITY from CONFUSION! With our holistic approach to improving B2B sales…

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